Adopted by Faculty Senate 1/20/17 
Adopted by President 6/17/17 


十大正规网赌平台对终身教职后审查采取了以下政策 in accordance with section 4.6 of the Board of Regents Academic and Student Affairs Handbook and section of the Board of Regents Policy Manual. 与…保持一致 根据十大正规网赌平台的使命,每位教职员工都将接受评估 to the following criteria: 

        1. 教学 
        2. Service to the Institution and Community 
        3. Professional Growth and Development. 

终身教职后的档案必须证明在教学方面有显著的成就,至少 one other of the three criteria; activity in all three areas is required. 


根据校董会的政策,教职员工将每五年接受一次审查 年 after being granted tenure. Deans will inform faculty members that they are beginning their year of review by the start of the fall semester. When a faculty member 提交晋升档案,晋升档案代替离职 review, so that the post-tenure timeline is restarted; no tenured faculty member will 要求在五年内提交两份档案,教员除外 fail to pass post-tenure review. Faculty members who refuse to submit a post-tenure 审查档案必须提交一份在两年内退休或辞职的签字意向书 年. 撤回退休或辞职意向书后,任职期满 timeline will be re-established as without interruption. 

Post-Tenure Review Committee

终身教职后的审查档案将由学校所有终身教职员工审查 (不包括院长和被审查的教员),其中被审查的教员 服务. The Dean shall convene the committee; the committee will elect its chair. Review committees must have a minimum of three members; if the school has fewer than 3名终身教授,根据规定,委员会将扩大到3名 expressed in section 7.5, Review Committees for Promotion/Tenure. Faculty may be excused 由于院长的原因,不再担任终身教职后审查委员会的成员 包括但不限于沉重的教学负担,同时提供一个或多个服务 review committees, or a conflict of interest. 


Post–tenure dossiers are due by March 1 of the review year; they are to be submitted to the chair of the review committee. 

四经四次以上督导评估合格者 在五年的审查期内,将提交一份简短的档案,由一份 由其主管出具的证明其专业表现的信函 过去五年的工作经历,目前的简历,以及两年的发展计划.

至少有两次督导评估不满意者 在五年审查期间将提交一份由以下内容组成的完整档案 项目: 

        1. A letter of evaluation from the immediate supervisor. 
        2. A current curriculum vitae. 
        3. 过去五年,每年一个班级的学生评价总结. 
        4. Annual reports for the past five 年. 
        5. 过去五年系主任的评估报告副本一份. 
        6. 一个全面的两年专业发展和成长计划,解决每一个问题 任期后审查的三个标准,关注已确定的弱点领域. 
        7. Any additional information that is cogent to the post-tenure review. 

如果在审查档案后,审查委员会认为有重要意义 如有遗漏,教师将被告知并有机会填写 缺失的数据. By majority 投票, the review committee will determine whether the faculty member’s performance is satisfactory or unsatisfactory. 


审查结束后,审查委员会将其决定报告给 the vice president for academic affairs. If the vice president for academic affairs 同意评审委员会的决定,将通知评审委员; 院长、系主任(如果有的话)和校长 successfully completed. 

如果主管学术事务的副校长不同意校长的决定 评审委员会,他/她将向评审委员会提出他/她的不同意见 in writing and ask that they reconsider the faculty member's dossier. The final decision will rest with the review committee. The review committee will notify the faculty 委员、院长、系主任(如有)、教务副校长、 而校长的最终决定不迟于春季学期的最后一天 during which the dossier was submitted. 

如果表现不理想,“教职员的主管” 教职员工将共同制定正式的教职员工发展计划 这包括明确定义和具体的目标或结果,活动大纲 要进行的工作、时间表和商定的监测战略. 如果,在3之后 多年来,这位教员一直未能成功地弥补已发现的缺陷, 他或她可能会因正当理由(常规的、独立的解雇程序)而被解雇 will apply)” (BoR Academic & Student Affairs Handbook 4.6). 


教员有权对评审委员会的决定向学校提出申诉 终身教职后审查委员会,由所有终身教职员工组成 not being reviewed) from each school. The appeal may encompass any action, review, or evaluation that is relevant to the post-tenure review. The appellant will submit 上诉信连同他/她的任期后审查档案一起提交给校长 教务委员会的成员谁将提供上诉材料给 Post-Tenure Review Board. The faculty senate will conduct a 投票 of the Post-Tenure Review Board no later than thirty days after the appeal is submitted to the faculty senate; a two-thirds 投票 of the Post-Tenure Review Board will be required for an appeal to succeed. 

教职员评议会主席将通知学院院长投票结果 投票. 学院院长应审查终职审查委员会的决定 并将其最终决定通知上诉人及其主管 within fifteen days of receiving the post-tenure review board’s 投票. 按照 根据校董会的政策,大学系统的任何员工都不会因为一个 院校校长的最终决定可向校董会办公室提出申请 of Legal Affairs for a review of the decision (BoR Policy Manual 8.6). 


通过终身教职后评审的教师应该以绩效工资增长的形式得到奖励 and priority consideration for development opportunities.