Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 6/25/19

十大正规网赌平台 Intramural Handbook

I. 目的

校内体育项目通过以下方式支持学生生活办公室的使命 为学生、教师和学生提供高质量的综合课程和活动 十大正规网赌平台的工作人员. The Intramural Program strives to promote healthy, 积极的生活方式,同时也教导决策,解决问题,冲突管理, 沟通和社交技巧. The strength of this program is entirely dependent 十大正规网投平台学生的参与和领导能力. 学生生活协调员负责服务 作为该计划的推动者和EGSC学生与员工之间的联络人, the primary responsibility of making the Intramural 体育 Program successful lies in the hands of the students who choose to participate.

本手册将作为参与者的指南,并应作为参考 是否会出现任何问题或冲突. 然而,十大正规网赌平台保留 有权作出任何必要的更改、补充、变更或遗漏 在任何时候. For more information about the Intramural 体育 Program, please contact the Coordinator of Student Life, at 478-289-2115, or Director of Student Life, at 478-289-2105.

II. 球员的资格

    1. 1. 报名和参加必须出示有效的十大正规网赌平台身份证 参加校内活动.
    2. 一名球员必须在同一学期注册6个学分 校内活动发生. 本学期入学的学生 and then withdraw from all classes are no longer eligible.
    3. 每位参与者必须签署免责声明和医疗信息表 在学生生活办公室存档.
    4. 运动员必须从未在同一项或相关运动中被视为职业运动员.
    5. Any individual who currently participates in a sport at the intercollegiate level is ineligible to participate in intramural sports during the same academic year. A 符合以下任何一项标准的参与者被视为学院成员 运动员:
      1. Name appears on an official intercollegiate roster during the academic year.
      2. Has competed in an intercollegiate contest during the academic year.
    6. 前大学运动员可以参加校内运动,但有一些例外. 运动员不得在同一或相关运动的大学花名册上列出 本学年. Exceptions will be made for any player who was on the roster 不到三个星期. 一个团队 roster is limited to only one former collegiate 运动员.
    7. To be eligible for playoff competition, a player must participate in a minimum of 常规赛1场.
    8. A player shall not be permitted to play with more than one team per sport. 然而, 玩家可以在特定性别的团队和Co-Rec团队中进行游戏 同样的运动. A participant cannot be added to a roster if he or she has already 和另一支队伍一起玩.
    9. 在比赛记分表上签名的球员被认为是一线队的一员 在与一支队伍参加一场比赛之后,队员在比赛期间不得换队 本赛季. 换句话说,交易是禁止的. 例外情况将在 event a team formally withdraws from competition.

3. 开始/注册

    1. Participants are required to form their own teams/roster, a copy of which must be 交给学生生活协调员. 团队中应该选出一名成员 担任队长. The Team Captain will act as a liaison between the team 以及学生生活协调员. 船长有责任:
      1. Organize the team and enter it into competition before the entry deadline.
      2. Attend the mandatory Captains’ meeting for the designated sport.
      3. Keep his or her contact information up to date with the Office of Student Life.
      4. 熟悉所有资格规则,并确保他或她的团队由 仅限符合条件的玩家.
      5. 与团队成员协调实践.
      6. Inform team members as to the time and place of scheduled games.
      7. Ensure that those representing his or her team play according to the rules of the 游戏和行为举止得当.
      8. 让他或她的团队了解各项运动的规则、政策和规定. 
      9. 如果有任何冲突、问题或其他问题,请立即通知学生生活协调员 整个季节可能出现的变化.
    2. 花名册、日程安排和弃权:
      1. 从EGSC学生生活网站下载并打印花名册表格,或自行领取 at the 帮助 Desk located in the JAM Student Center.
      2. 填写每位队员的姓名、学生证号码和联系信息.
      3. Return completed form to the Office of Student Life. 队长将会收到通知 验证过程完成后.
      4. 比赛日程安排将完全由学生生活协调员和/或任何学生负责 student workers employed by the Office of Student Life. 我们将尽一切努力 produce a schedule that accommodates as many teams and players as possible; however, due to space and time limitations, that may not always be possible.
      5. 一般来说,比赛将在下午中下旬进行,并参与 in an intramural sport is ABSOLUTELY NOT an excuse to miss class.
      6. 比赛日程将通过EGSC网站、脸谱网页面和标牌公布 会被安置在校园周围吗. It is the responsibility of the players to make themselves 了解游戏时间和地点.
      7. 每位参与者将被要求签署免责声明并填写医疗信息 form before participating in game play of any kind. 没有例外. 

IV. Responsibilities and Expectations of Participants

    1. Each team is expected to wear an athletic t-shirt and numbered pinnies. 围巾会 由学生生活办公室提供. 团队可以选择提供和佩戴他们的 自己的球队t恤或球衣号码,如果他们愿意,但所有参与者必须 have on the same team color and the opposing team’s color must be different. 如果选举 to provide your own uniform, all players must be outfitted in your uniform or the 队员们必须穿着提供的小礼服. 拒绝这样做可能会导致没收 游戏的.
    2. Proper footwear (depending on playing surface) is required. 因为服装各不相同 per sport, please refer to specific sport rules for guidelines.
    3. 每个团队都需要创建一个团队名称,以便在整个过程中识别他们 本赛季. “十大正规网赌平台” and “Bobcats” should not be used in team 的名字. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to change or alter any team name 粗俗的粗俗的、无礼的或低级趣味的.
    4. 鼓励参与者与队友一起练习和/或安排和参与 并列争球游戏. Practices WILL NOT be scheduled by the Office of Student Life, and are therefore the sole responsibility of the teams.
    5. 参与者有责任跟上比赛日程,并且应该留下来 in frequent contact with the Team Captain and/or Coordinator of Student Life. 一个团队 未在比赛时间内派出最低人数的球员将被没收损失. Not being aware of a scheduled game is not longer an excuse, as the game schedule 很容易在网上找到. 
    6. Participants are expected to adhere to all rules and codes of conduct (see below) that apply to each sport and/or venue, as well as the rules and standards of East Georgia State College as outlined in the Student Handbook.
    7. 参与者应该学习他或她所参加的特定运动的规则 in, and to adhere to these rules during all contests. 规则解释是唯一的 官员的责任,以及学生生活协调员将依赖 上述官员的判断.

V. 校外运动(比赛)

参加校内体育项目提供的各种活动 opportunities for participation in extramural contests, i.e. 州,地区,和 全国锦标赛. These tournaments allow participants from the EGSC Intramural 体育项目与其他校内队在州,地区和 national levels and to represent EGSC at various extramural events. 有一些 与校外竞赛有关的指导方针.

    1. There is the potential for 十大正规网赌平台 to reimburse the extramural 一支队伍的比赛报名费. This team will be decided either in playoff competition (第一名),或至少两周前入选的全明星球队 去参加比赛. The Office of Student Life will determine which method is best, 这里要考虑几个变量. 
    2. 住宿和旅行不包括在学生生活办公室支付的任何费用中。 unless travel is PROVIDED by the Office of Student Life. 这将被决定 具体情况具体分析. Lodging for participants in an extramural event, however, is never to be paid for or reimbursed by 十大正规网赌平台.
    3. All teams have the opportunity to participate in State and Regional tournaments; however, 他们必须支付自己的报名费,不由学生生活办公室报销
    4. 在校外活动中的参与和表现是EGSC和体育精神的代表 displayed should reflect the program represented. 任何缺乏体育精神的例子 代表EGSC的个人或团队的违规行为将导致对该个人的制裁 或参加校内体育项目的团队,除任何制裁外 在校外活动上.
    5. 学生生活协调员将通知各队队长所有适用的情况 校外活动和比赛,以及上述活动的时间表是可用的 通过学生生活办公室.

VI. 规则和行为准则

    1. 在任何和所有的校内活动中都禁止吸烟、喝酒和吸毒. 在酒精、烟草或毒品的影响下玩耍或观看是导致 immediate ejection, and could result in further punishment and sanctions.
    2. 当球员和裁判对判罚产生分歧时 对于可能或已经直接影响比赛结果的规则, a protest may be made by the team captain to the officials. 必须提出抗议 at the time of the dispute and before play has resumed. 游戏的误用 规则和参赛者资格是比赛的唯一要素 抗议. 官员的判决不得提出异议.
    3. Abusive, offensive, or obscene language and/or gestures will not be tolerated. 
    4. Unnecessary roughness, physical violence, fighting, or threats thereof can result 立即终止比赛,并可能对选手和/或队伍进行禁赛。.
    5. 使用不符合资格的球员将导致违规队接受没收损失 for each contest in which the ineligible player(s) participated.
    6. Any and all behavior and actions deemed inappropriate or unacceptable by officials 和/或学生生活部,但没有在本手册中指定 在弹射和/或悬浮中.
